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What is STEM?

  • STEM is Science and Technology interpreted through Engineering, all based in Mathematical elements.

  • STEM is the future of education!

  • STEM aims at fostering the growth of creativity, innovation, and design in young learners.

  • STEM education enables young learners to both discover the world’s problems and tackle them head-on.

  • STEM education aims to bring FUNctional literacy to all. It promotes bridging the gap between business and educational goals to create a more productive and sustainable global culture based on teamwork.



Have you ever wondered how many times we experience STEM in our daily lives?

Science is the natural world around us: sun, moon, stars, land, sea, oceans, weather, rain, storms, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, animals, plants, food, fuel, wood, water, wind; the list can go on.  Our world today is becoming more technology-based by the minute; from the first wheel, compass, telegraph, to telescopes, microscopes, to the radio, television, computers, and smartphones; the list again can go on.  Engineering is the skyscrapers, buildings and houses we live in and the roads and bridges we drive on and so many other things we see around us.  Engineering also takes on today’s challenges of transportation, global warming and environment-friendly machines, appliances and systems.  We come across mathematics almost every day in our lives, at stores, supermarkets, banks, even when paying taxes or dealing with investments and family budgets.  Every STEM field is based on mathematics.  That is why STEM is important; because it directly relates to every aspect of our lives.

“In the 21st century, scientific and technological innovations have become increasingly important as we face the benefits and challenges of both globalization and a knowledge-based economy. To succeed in this new information-based and highly technological society, students need to develop their capabilities in STEM to levels much beyond what was considered acceptable in the past.” (National Science Foundation)

Future careers are STEM careers!  Today, there is an increase demand for skilled workforce in science, technology, engineering, and math and this has become highly linked to global competitiveness.  There is a huge gap between today’s available career in STEM fields and young people who are STEM educated or even have interest in STEM.

21st Century Skills

Engineeius™ programs’ design and delivery methodology integrate the 21st Century Skills whenever relevant in our different programs. The 21st Century Skills are an essential set of skills, knowledge, character traits, and work habits that young learners need to have to be successful in today’s world. The 21st Century Skills are extremely important throughout a young learner’s life, especially in educational programs and modern careers. As each day passes, the world becomes smaller and for the young learner to succeed in today’s global competitive world, it has become a “must” for the young learner to be fluent in the 21st Century Skills.
The 21st Century Skills include:

The 21st Century Skills include:

Learning & Innovation Skills: 

  • Creativity & Innovation

  • Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

  • Communication & Collaboration

Life & Career Skills: 

  • Flexibility & Adaptability

  • Initiative & Self-direction

  • Social & Cross-cultural Skills

  • Productivity & Accountability

  • Leadership & Responsibility

Information, Media & Technology Skills: 

  • Information Literacy

  • Media Literacy

  • ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy

The 21st Century Interdisciplinary Themes: 

  • Global Awareness

  • Financial, Economic, Business & Entrepreneurial Literacy

  • Civic Literacy

  • Health Literacy

  • Environmental Literacy

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